I know what you're saying....

just what the world needs ~ another Red Sox blog...LOL!
Well - Welcome to the Lady in Red Blog anyway ... feel free to talk with me about my team, The Boston Red Sox.. or anything else you care to talk about!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

cuz I'm the taxman....

yeahhh the taxman...

April 15th. I guess the only good thing about having to file financial aid papers to get your kid in school is that you have to get the taxes done post-haste. So I haven't had to sweat on April 14th for a few years. lol

Okay, someone turn off the "Go Snow!" guy.. I've already lost my power once tonight .. and I suspect it will during the night. Slush, sleet, freezing rain oh joy oh joy oh ode to Spring!!! *grrrrr*

Oh, and the topper> my satellite is out due to it. And we are getting like 10 inches AGAIN. AGAIN. We just GOT 10 inches earlier in the week. What the heck!?
And my son calls and says "Hey! Be sure and watch Channel 9 News at 11! I'm on tv - they interviewed me about how the weather has screwed up our baseball season (not a game YET).. !" Um.. honey, I would LOVE to see you on tv, but... I don't have tv tonight. And so of course, no Sox game either BUT



the Yankees lost to the A's! YES
Wish I could watch the highlights of THAT anyway.

Please bring me spring... *blink blink*


At April 16, 2007 at 4:39 AM , Blogger Peter N said...

Ruthie, this is Peter from Peter's Red Sox Forever. I replyed to your comment on my Damon article from 2/24. And thank you! What you said made perfect sense. At least to me. I hope you can be an everyday reader, and if you are going to be writing more than once in a while, I will be a frequent visitor too. Right here! I bookmarked you. If you want to exchange links, I'll do that too, and write a small post pointing my varied readers to your link. But that's only if you'll be writing a post more than once or twice a month. I haven't seen your other blog, but guess what? I want to. Next stop? Yep...email and let me know aboout the link thing. You can email me through my profile on my blog page.
Aagin, thank you. I love every one of my readers. Peter N. PSSSSTTTT...I love the Red Sox. Our Sox. Peter

At April 16, 2007 at 4:40 AM , Blogger Peter N said...

I liked the title, too...a little George Harrison for Uncle Sam's time of the month.

At April 23, 2007 at 5:59 AM , Blogger Ruthie said...

Thanks Peter -- I loved me some George Harrison..


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